Typically, all hours associated with a time pair are allocated to the same Reporting Date. The Split Shift feature allows hours in a time pair to be distributed across two Reporting Dates at a specified time, either on the last day of the Pay Period or each day at midnight.

This article explains how to configure Split Shift.

How it works

Create a "split" shift in portal Settings

Additional Steps

How it works

There are three points that must be true for the hours in a time pair to be divided between two Reporting Dates:

1) A "split" shift is configured in Settings>Shift Management
2) The "split" shift is assigned to the employee on their Employee Profile

3) The "split" shift is associated with the applicable time pair on the employee's Timecard

How a "split" shift appears on the Timecard:

When punches are associated with a Shift set up to split, time pairs that span the configured split time will be modified. The Out punch time will be updated to the split time configured for the Shift and the system will generate an additional time pair, which will display on the next Reporting Date. The generated time pair will show the In punch as the split time configured for the assigned Shift and the Out punch as the reported punch time. The system-generated time pair Source will show as an Auto entry and will not appear in the Timecard Log. 

Because the Split Shift feature is based on time pairs, an unpaired punch will display on its original Reporting Date, regardless of association with a Shift that is set up to split. Such unpaired punches may appear to cause a discrepancy with how Breaks are displayed on the timecard for that day, however this will resolve once the punch pair is completed.

Shift not split, hours appear on a single timecard.

With Split Shift (Pay Period Only) configured for 120 minutes (2 hours) past midnight, hours are on two separate timecards and different Pay Periods.

Additional information:

Multiple Split Shifts can be used in the same portal.

BDO Minutes must be entered as they normally would for each Shift in Settings>Shift Management.

Split Shift works for applicable time pairs from all sources (clocks, mobile app, manual entry).

LIMITATION: If using a Lunch Policy with a second Auto Lunch Deduction enabled, the second deduction cannot be expected to occur in most cases. Because the worked hours are now on two different Reporting Dates, they will be below the threshold to trigger the deduction.

Create a split shift in portal Settings

1) Click Settings in the top navigation menu and then select the Shift Management option on the left.

2) Use the Select Shift dropdown menu to add a new shift or select an existing shift to split. 

See Add a Shift or Edit an Existing Shift for additional shift configuration information.

3) Enter an appropriate Shift Name and ensure that the Active checkbox is marked.

4) BDO minutes serve a different purpose than Split Shift Minutes and must be configured regardless of the Split Shift setting. See Business Day Offset (BDO) Minutes for how to choose an appropriate BDO.

5) Mark the applicable Split Shift checkbox.

6) If Split Shift (Pay Period Only) is selected, the Split Shift Minutes field will display.

Split Shift Minutes defines the time at which the shift will be split in relation to midnight. A positive or negative number may be entered. If the desired time of the split is before midnight, enter a negative number of minutes (e.g., to split at 10:00PM, enter -120).  If the desired time of the split is after midnight, enter a positive number of minutes (e.g., to split at 2:00AM, enter 120.

7) Verify that the other shift details (Active days and In/Out/Lunch times) are accurate and then click the Update or Save button at the bottom of the page to save the Shift.

Additional Steps

1) Assign an Employee to a Shift 

2) Verify that the Shift is associated with the hours on the timecard: