Timerack Reports provide important information to help your company track, monitor and manage employee hours. There are numerous reports available in the client portal that enable users to analyze a workforce at various levels. 


This article explains how to find reports and customize them to get the information that you need. You can also learn how to export reports from Timerack and schedule reports to automatically email to you. 

Find a report

Determine which data to include & select a time format

Select data points & timeframe

Save your customized report for later use

Find a report

1) Select Reports in the navigation menu at the top of the client portal

2) Select a report category from the navigation menu on the left

3) Choose a report topic from the list across the upper portion of the page

Determine which data to include & select a time format

1) Choose from the menu on the left of the reporting area to determine which information to retrieve and how to display numbers related to time (hours worked). Options will vary for different reports.

Making selections from this menu is optional; to generate the report based on all data, do not mark any checkboxes. If criteria are selected (example: a specific Department(s) or Shift(s)), the report will only include data associated with those criteria.

If criteria are selected from more than one field, the report will only include data associated with all selected criteria.

2) Choose a time format; time can be displayed in Hours/Minutes or Decimal format. Click here to learn which format is best for your reporting needs. 

Select data points & timeframe

1) Edit Report Settings and Show Search in the upper right of the reporting area are clickable buttons that will reveal options for data points and timeframe to include on the report. 

2) Click Show Search to reveal search options.

3) Use the Select Type or Date Range dropdown menu to specify for what period of time the selected data should be retrieved.

4) Click Edit Report Settings to reveal the available columns (data points) to display on the report.

5) Mark the checkboxes next to the desired data points to display as columns on the report.

Options with checkboxes selected and grayed-out are built-in to the report and cannot be removed.

6) Click the Save button

7) Click a Fetch button to generate report results

Once generated, a report can be exported from Timerack. 

Click here to learn two different ways to view a report outside of Timerack.

Save your customized report for later use

1) Click the icon next to the Previous Settings dropdown menu above the search options

2) Name your customized version of the report according to your preference. The saved report settings are unique to you as the user logged in; customized reports are not visible to other users with access to the client portal.

3) To access saved report settings, click the Previous Settings dropdown menu

Choosing the default option, "Select," will generate the report with its original default settings.