This article explains how to configure a Holiday Policy.

Create a Holiday Policy 

Configure the Holiday List

Customize rules for specific Holidays

To navigate to the Holiday Policy setup page, click Settings in the top navigation menu and then select the Holiday Policoption on the left navigation menu.

Create a Holiday Policy 

1) In the Select Holiday Policy dropdown menu, choose Add New.

2) In the Holiday Policy Name field, enter a name for the policy. If more than one Holiday Policy will be added to the portal, ensure that each policy is named descriptively.

3) Choose whether Holiday hours should populate on Timecards automatically. 
If auto populate is enabled, a specified number of Holiday hours will automatically be applied to Timecards when a holiday occurs.

4) Enter a number in the Number of calendar days (after hire date) field to specify after how many days of employment the employee is eligible for holidays (e.g., after 30 days). If immediately eligible upon hire, enter "0".

5) In the How many hours field, enter the number of Holiday hours to automatically apply to Timecards on a Holiday.

6) Select the applicable option for In case employees work on holiday. This setting determines what will appear on the Timecard if Regular work hours exist on a reporting date that is configured as a Holiday. 

If choosing an auto populate option, enter a number to specify how many hours to automatically add to Timecards.

7) Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to create the policy.

A message will display that the Holiday Policy saved successfully.

Continue to the next section to set up the list of Holidays to include in the policy.

Configure the Holiday List

The upper portion of the page displays the Holiday List, which defines the dates that are recognized as Holidays. If multiple Holiday Policies exist in the portal, each can recognize different holidays. Dates for the prepopulated Holidays can be updated and new Holidays can be added to the list.

The Holiday List must be configured for each Calendar Year for each Holiday Policy.

1) In the Holiday Policy Selection section below the Holiday List, use the Select Holiday Policy dropdown menu to choose the policy for which you want to modify the list of recognized holidays. 

2) Use the arrows above the Holiday List to navigate to the Calendar Year you want to set up.

3) Mark the checkbox in the Active column for each Holiday that you want the selected Holiday Policy to utilize.

4) Click the Save button below the list to update the Active status(es).

5) A pop-up window will display. Choose the policy or policies for which you want to update the Holiday List.

A message will display near the top of the page that the Holiday List was updated successfully.

6) Verify that the Observed On date is accurate for each active Holiday. To modify the date on which a Holiday is observed, click the pencil icon in the Edit column for the Holiday you want to change.

7) Type the new date into the Observed On field, or click the Calendar Icon to select a date from a calendar view.

8) Click the Update button to save the change.

A message will display near the top of the page that the Holiday was updated successfully.

Optional: Create a new Holiday

1) Click the Add button below the Holiday List.

Additional fields will display. 

2) In the Holiday field, enter the Holiday name.

3) In the Observed On field, click the Calendar Icon and then select a date.

4) Click Save.

A message will display asking which Holiday Policy(ies) should use the new Holiday. 

Choose the policy or policies for which you want to update the Holiday List to include the new Holiday.
"Current" Holiday Policy refers to the policy that is currently displayed on the Select Holiday Policy dropdown menu in the Holiday Policy Selection section.
A message will display that the Holiday was added successfully.

Customize rules for specific Holidays

If any Holidays require different rules from the other Holidays included in the selected policy, they can be customized.

1) In the Holiday Policy Selection section below the Holiday List, use the Select Holiday Policy dropdown menu to choose the policy for which you want to customize the rules for a particular Holiday(s).

2) Click Custom Hours to open the Custom Holiday Hours menu. 

A pop-up window will display. 

3) Use the Holiday dropdown menu to select the Holiday for which you want to customize the rules.

4) Enter the required information and then click Update

A message will display that the Custom Hours were saved successfully, and the customized Holiday will appear in the list.

5) Close the pop-up window to exit the menu and continue creating the policy.