Employee Data and configuration details, such as new Locations, Departments, Pay Items, Accruable Benefits, and Pay Schedules must be accepted into Timerack when they come over from AccountingCS.

This article explains how to accept new employees and updates from AccountingCS (ACS).


The Payroll Integration section on the Dashboard has an Employee Maintenance button and a System Maintenance button.

If Timerack has received new information from 

AccountingCS, a red notification icon will display.

If a new System Maintenance (Location, Department, Pay Item, Accruable Benefit, Pay Schedule) item appears, contact Timerack Support for assistance. Portal Admins are responsible for Employee Maintenance (new employees & updates to existing employees) items.

To navigate to Employee Maintenance, click the button or click Timecard in the top navigation menu and then choose the Payroll option on the left.

There are several options across the top of the Payroll page. 

The red bubble will remain visible on the Employee Maintenance button on the Dashboard until pending items for both Add Employee and Employee Updates have been addressed.

Accept new employees

1) On the Add Employee page, mark the Detail View checkbox in the upper right to expand the table to show additional fields on the employee records. 

2) Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the list to scroll to the right to view all fields. The list displays a maximum of twenty (20) records at a time; use the page buttons to view additional records.

3) If a field is outlined in red, it means that there is an error that must be fixed before the records can be accepted. 

4) After errors have been resolved, mark the checkboxes next to the name on the employee records you want to accept into the portal and then click the Accept button

Click the Reject button if you do not want to add the employee records to the portal.

Assign the necessary policies and system access to the new employees after accepting them into the portal.

Accept employee updates

1) On the Employee Updates page, mark the Expand/Collapse All checkbox in the upper right to view details about the updates.

2) By default, all updates are selected. Un-mark the checkbox next to any update(s) that you do not want to accept.

3) The list displays a maximum of twenty (20) records at a time. Use the page buttons at the bottom of the list to view additional updates.

4) Click a button to Accept or Reject the selected update(s). 

Accept All or Reject All applies to records on ALL pages.