If a company is using a staffing software that is not actively integrated with Timerack, users can import employee assignment information manually from a CSV file. Timerack will provide a file template as part the Onboarding process.

This article explains how to manually import employee assignments into the client portal and how to resolve common errors that occur with Assignments data.

Import the Assignments File

1) Navigate to the Assignments page by clicking the View Assignments button on the client Dashboard. You can also navigate to Assignments by selecting Timecard in the navigation bar at the top and then choosing the Assignments option on the left navigation menu.

2) Click the Import button.

3) To retrieve a file template, click to download sample file. A CSV file with the applicable columns will download to your device.

4) Add data in the applicable columns and then save the file to your device. 

To find ClientID, hover your pointer over the Client Name in the Partner portal. ClientID is the four-digit number following "cid=" in the URL in the lower left of the web browser window. 

Only users who have access at the Partner level can view the Partner dashboard.
ClientName is the name of the client portal in Timerack. 
TimeRackClientKeyFind TimeRackClientKey in the Client ID field on the Partner dashboard. Only users who have access at the Partner level can view the Partner dashboard.

5) Click the Choose File button to browse files on your device.

6) Locate the desired file and then click Open to select it.

7) Click the Upload button.

8) A message will display near the top of the page that the import was successful.

9) Verify that there are no errors.

If there are no problems with the imported data, the page will appear blank, and the import process is complete. 

If there is a problem with any of the imported records, a red notification bubble will appear in the Status column. 

Continue reading to learn how to resolve common errors.

Fix Data Errors

Error Type: Card Number -1

Cause: EmployeePin field is blank.

Fix: Verify that a value has been entered for EmployeePin. If none is available to enter, create a number and enter it in the Card No field.

Error Type: Duplicate Card Number

Cause: Card Number is the same as another employee in this portal.

Fix: Modify the Card Number by adding or removing a digit.

Error Type: Multiple Policies

Cause: Multiple Policies exist in the portal and Timerack does not know which one is applicable to this employee.

Fix: Use the dropdown arrow in any field(s) outlined in red to select the applicable Policy.

Final Step

Select the employee(s) to accept into Timerack by marking the checkbox in the first column. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Accept button.