This article is for employees and explains how to set up your account and log in for the first time on web. For mobile app information, see this article.

1) Check the inbox for the email address that your company has on file and look for a message with the subject TimeRack login Details.

The message sender is [email protected]; if the message is not in your inbox, check your Spam or Junk folder.

2) In the email, click the Login to Timerack link.

The login page contains three fields: user type, email, and password. 

3) Use the dropdown menu in the first field to select the Employee user type. If the incorrect user type is selected, you will not be able to log in. 

4) Enter your email address. 

5) Enter the temporary password provided in the TimeRack login Details email message.

6) Click the Login button.

7) Enter the temporary password provided in the TimeRack login Details email message  in the Current Password field.

8) Create your own password in the New Password field.

9) Re-enter the password you created in the Confirm Password field.

10) Use the dropdown menu to choose a Security Question.

11) Enter a Security Answer that you will remember.

12) When all fields are completed, click the Update Button.

If your company has directed you to use the Timerack website to punch in and out, save the Timerack login link from the email as a favorite in your web browser

If your company has directed to you use the mobile app, download Timerack from the app store on your mobile device. 

To log in on the mobile app, use the same credentials that you created on the web.