This article explains how to limit Manager users' visibility to specific pages and how to specify edit or read-only access to those pages. To add a new Manager-level user to the portal, see Add Manager User.

1) Select Settings in the navigation menu at the top and then choose the Users option on the left.

2) Click User Profile.

On the User Profile page, you can create various user group profiles. User group profiles created here are available to assign to Manager Users on the User Setup page (Settings>Users>User Setup) to restrict the users' capabilities in the portal. 

You can create an unlimited number of user group profiles, which will allow you grant different levels of access to Manager-level users based on what they need to be able to do in the portal. For example, you may want to limit certain users to editing timecards or extracting payroll.

3) From the Select User Profile dropdown menu, select -Add New-.

4) In the Name field, type a name for the user group.

5) In the Description field, type a description of the profile. Description is an optional field.

6) In the grid, you will designate the areas of the portal that users assigned to this group can access.

The items in blue represent the main areas of the portal accessible from the navigation menu at the top.

Marking the Full Access or Read Only checkbox on a blue item will grant that level of access to all pages found on the left navigation menu in that section of the portal. 

If Full Access will be granted to at least one page in a particular section of the portal, you must first mark the Full Access checkbox in that blue row.

If Read Only Access will be granted to at least one page in a particular section of the portal but Full Access will not be allowed for any of the pages in that section, you must first mark the Read Only checkbox in that blue row. 

7) Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The User Group Profile will now be available to assign to users in (Settings>Users>User Setup).

Modifying a User Group Profile will change the capabilities for all Manager users assigned to that profile in (Settings>Users>User Setup). To modify a profile:

1) From the Select User Profile dropdown menu, select the User Group Profile you wish to modify.

2) Make your changes (see step 6 above).

3) Click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.